KIA of Sefia / Noise/range + 2. Engine + 3. Greasing system + 4. Cooling system + 5. Power supply system and release + 6. Fuel system + 7. Ignition system + 8. Coupling + 9. Mechanical transmission + 10. Automatic transmission + 11. Axes and power shafts + 12. Steering + 13. Wheels and tires + 14. Brake system + 15. Suspension bracket + 16. Body + 17. Central air - 18. Electric equipment 18.1. Specifications 18.2. Electric chains 18.3. Safety locks 18.4. Storage battery 18.5. Check of level and density of electrolit and charging 18.6. Unattended batteries 18.7. Wires and plugs 18.8. Charging of standard batteries 18.9. Starter 18.10. Switch of blocking of a starter 18.11. Removal and starter installation 18.12. Starter repair 18.13. Check of the traction relay 18.14. Check of brushes and shchetkoderzhatel 18.15. Check of coils of a stator 18.16. Rotor check 18.17. Generator 18.18. Belt of a drive of the generator 18.19. Removal and generator installation 18.20. Generator repair 18.21. Check of a heater of back glass 18.22. Safety cushion of the driver 18.23. Safety cushion of the forward passenger 18.24. Spiral wire 18.25. Diagnostics of malfunctions of system of start-up and methods of their elimination + 18.26. Electric circuits
Establish on sponges of a vice soft protective slips, for an exception of damage of details of the generator.
1. Fix the generator in a vice and turn out four screws of fastening of a back cover of the generator. |
2. Palnik, capacity of 200 W heat up a back cover and remove it from the generator. |
If the back cover is not heated up, it is very difficult for removing in connection with very dense landing.
3. A screw-driver with a flat edge remove a forward cover of the generator together with a rotor. |
Be careful not to lose a lock spring which is located at the back bearing.
4. Fix a rotor in a vice and unscrew a nut, then remove a pulley, a rotor and a forward cover. |
5. If necessary, using a stripper, remove the forward bearing from a generator shaft. |
6. A stripper, remove the back bearing from a generator shaft. |
7. Turn out a nut on the plug B and remove isolating plugs. |
8. Turn out five screws, and remove the rectifier and a shchetkoderzhatel. |
9. Divide a back cover and a stator. |
10. A soldering iron отпаяйте the rectifier and wires, then remove a tension regulator. |
Otpaivaniye see off during no more than 5 with, the tension regulator otherwise can be damaged.
11. To replace brushes. Otpayayte a wattled wire also remove a brush. |
Rotor check
1. By an ohmmeter measure resistance between contact rings. If resistance differs from demanded, replace a rotor.
Resistance: 3,5–4,5 Ohm |
2. An ohmmeter check conductivity between a contact ring and a rotor anchor. In the presence of conductivity, replace a rotor. |
3. If the surface of a contact ring has a roughness or wear tracks, smooth out it an emery paper. |
Stator check
1. An ohmmeter check conductivity between wires of the coil of a stator. |
2. In the absence of conductivity, replace a stator. |
3. An ohmmeter check conductivity between stator coils. |
4. In the presence of conductivity, replace a stator. |
Check of the block of the rectifier
1. An ohmmeter check conductivity between conclusions of each diode. |
Negative (black)
Positive (red)
Е | Pn, Р1, Р2, Р3 |
In | Pn, Р1, Р2, Р3 |
T | Pn, Р1, Р2, Р3 |
Pn, Р1, Р2, Р3 | E |
B |
Pn, Р2, Р3, | T |
Pn | T |
2. If necessary, replace the rectifier block. |
Check and replacement of brushes
1. If brushes are worn-out till maximum permissible length, replace them.
Nominal length: 21,5 mm Maximum permissible length: 8,0 mm |
2. Measure effort of compression of a spring. Effort of a spring measure at a brush vystupaniye on 2 mm. If necessary, replace a spring.
Nominal effort: 3,1–4,1 N Maximum permissible effort: 1,6–2,4 N |
Check of bearings
1. Check the bearing on smoothness of rotation, absence of jammings and noise at rotation, and also люфта. |
2. In the presence of any defects, replace the bearing. |
1. Establish brushes and solder a wattled wire so that the line of limiting wear of a brush acted on 2–3 mm from the holder of brushes. |
2. Solder a tension regulator to the rectifier and stator windings. |
The soldering carry out during no more than 5 with, the tension regulator otherwise can be damaged.
3. Collect a back cover and a stator. |
4. Screw screws of fastening of the rectifier and a shchetkoderzhatel.
Inhaling moment: 2,0–5,4 N • m |
6. Establish the back bearing and fix a lock spring. |
7. Establish the forward bearing of the generator. For installation of the bearing it is desirable to use a manual press with an opravka which diameter corresponds to diameter of an external ring of the bearing. |
8. Fix a rotor in a vice, establish on it a forward cover and a pulley. Fix a pulley a nut.
Inhaling moment: 59–98 N • m |
9. Establish a back cover of the generator and fix four screws.
Inhaling moment: 2,9–6,4 N • m |