Kia Sephia/Shuma/Spectra

since 1995 of release

Repair and car operation

KIA of Sefia / Noise/range
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system and release
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Coupling
+ 9. Mechanical transmission
+ 10. Automatic transmission
+ 11. Axes and power shafts
+ 12. Steering
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Brake system
+ 15. Suspension bracket
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Central air
- 18. Electric equipment
   18.1. Specifications
   18.2. Electric chains
   18.3. Safety locks
   18.4. Storage battery
   18.5. Check of level and density of electrolit and charging
   18.6. Unattended batteries
   18.7. Wires and plugs
   18.8. Charging of standard batteries
   18.9. Starter
   18.10. Switch of blocking of a starter
   18.11. Removal and starter installation
   18.12. Starter repair
   18.13. Check of the traction relay
   18.14. Check of brushes and shchetkoderzhatel
   18.15. Check of coils of a stator
   18.16. Rotor check
   18.17. Generator
   18.18. Belt of a drive of the generator
   18.19. Removal and generator installation
   18.20. Generator repair
   18.21. Check of a heater of back glass
   18.22. Safety cushion of the driver
   18.23. Safety cushion of the forward passenger
   18.24. Spiral wire
   18.25. Diagnostics of malfunctions of system of start-up and methods of their elimination
   + 18.26. Electric circuits


18.11. Removal and starter installation



1–socket S;

2–top bolts of fastening of a starter;

3–plug B

Arm of support of an inlet collector

1–top bolts;

2–bottom bolt


1. Disconnect a wire from the negative plug of the storage battery.
2. Turn out two top bolts of fastening of an arm of support of an inlet collector.
3. Disconnect the socket S.
4. Unscrew a nut and disconnect a wire from the plug B.
5. Turn out two top bolts of fastening of a starter.
6. Lift the car and fix on support.
7. Turn out bolts and remove a reception exhaust pipe.
8. Turn out the bottom bolt of fastening of an arm of support of an inlet collector.
9. Remove an arm of support of an inlet collector.
10. Turn out the bottom bolt of fastening of a starter.
11. Remove a starter.


1. Establish a starter on the engine.
2. Screw the bottom bolt of fastening of a starter.

Inhaling moment: 37–52 N • m
3. Connect a wire in the plug B of the traction relay and fix it a nut.

Inhaling moment: 9–12 N • m
4. Connect the socket S.
5. Establish an arm of support of an inlet collector.
6. Screw three bolts of fastening of an arm of support of an inlet collector and tighten the bottom bolt.

Inhaling moment: 37–52 N • m
7. Establish a reception exhaust pipe and fix bolts.

Inhaling moment:
   And – 40,2–54,9 N • m
   In – 69–94 N • m
   With – 20,6–27,4 N • m
8. Lower the car.
9. Tighten two top bolts of fastening of an arm of support of an inlet collector.

Inhaling moment: 37–52 N • m
10. Screw two top bolts of fastening of a starter.

Inhaling moment: 37–52 N • m
11. Connect a wire to the negative plug of the storage battery.