1. Before assembly clear all details of the engine. |
2. Before assembly of details apply a thin film pure engine oil on all surfaces of sliding. |
3. Replace radical and shatunny loose leaves even if they have insignificant damages or wear. At installation it is necessary to use only new laying. |
4. Establish a spring lock ring in a piston flute. |
5. Establish the piston in a rod and insert a piston finger via the piston and a rod before fixing by its already established lock ring. Check, that relative position of the piston and a rod was same, as well as before dismantling. |
6. Establish the second spring lock ring of a piston finger in a flute on the other side of the piston. |
7. Hold the piston vertically and check freedom of moving of a rod. |
8. Establish three parts of a maslosjemny ring on the piston: – grease with pure engine oil a dilator of a maslosjemny ring both the top and bottom parts of a ring; – establish a dilator of a maslosjemny ring on the piston so that the ends of a dilator were directed up; – establish the lower part of a maslosjemny ring on the piston. The ring can be established by any party up; – establish the top part of a maslosjemny ring on the piston. The ring can be established by any party up; |
9. Check that the dilator of a maslosjemny ring divides the top and bottom parts of a maslosjemny ring and is freely turned on the piston. |
10. To Passatizhami for a release of piston rings establish on the piston the 2nd kompressionny ring. |
11. To Passatizhami for a release of piston rings establish on the piston the 1st kompressionny ring. |
12. Arrange locks of piston rings as is shown in drawing. |
13. Clear radical and shatunny necks of a cranked shaft of greasing, and lubricant openings blow the compressed air. |
14. Establish loose leaves of radical bearings on the block of cylinders of the engine. |
15. Establish persistent half rings of a cranked shaft. |
16. Establish a cranked shaft on loose leaves of radical bearings in the block of cylinders. |
17. Establish the remained loose leaves of radical bearings in covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft. |
18. Arrange pieces of a plastic measuring core of Plastigage on necks of radical bearings of a cranked shaft. |
19. According to marking establish covers of radical bearings. |
20. In a certain sequence tighten bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft in the following order: TED: and. tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 39,2 N • m; b. in sequence, return to a tightening, weaken bolts; page tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 19,6 N • m; d. tighten bolts on a corner 90 °; е. tighten bolts on a corner 60 °; BFD: tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 54-59 N • m. |
Do not turn a cranked shaft of the engine at measurement of a gap of radical bearings of a cranked shaft.
21. Turn out bolts and remove covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft. By a measuring template measure width of the deformed plastic core of Plastigage and define gap size. |
22. If the gap exceeds maximum permissible value, перешлифуйте necks of a cranked shaft and use repair loose leaves of the increased size. Gap in radical bearings of a cranked shaft: TED: 0,024–0,042 mm BFD: 0,018–0,036
23. Remove a cranked shaft from the block of cylinders and remove the deformed plastic core of Plastigage from necks of a cranked shaft and loose leaves of radical bearings. |
24. Apply a thin film engine oil on loose leaves of radical bearings in the block of cylinders and establish a cranked shaft on loose leaves. |
25. Apply a thin film engine oil on radical necks of a cranked shaft and loose leaves in covers of radical bearings. |
26. According to marking establish covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft. |
27. In a certain sequence tighten bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft in the following order: TED: and. tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 39,2 N • m; b. in sequence, return to a tightening, weaken bolts; page tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 19,6 N • m; d. tighten bolts on a corner 90 °; е. tighten bolts on a corner 60 °; BFD: tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 54-59 N • m. |
28. Turn a cranked shaft and check that it rotates easily and smoothly. |
29. Establish a measuring tip of the indicator of hour type on a forward end face of a cranked shaft. |
30. Move a cranked shaft along an axis against the stop and establish a scale of the indicator of hour type on a zero. |
31. Move a cranked shaft along an axis to other party against the stop and read values axial люфта on an indicator scale. Axial люфт cranked shaft: 0,080–0,282 mm.
32. If axial люфт exceeds admissible values, it is necessary to replace persistent half rings of a cranked shaft. |
33. Establish the shatunny loose leaf in a rod. |
34. For protection of a neck of a cranked shaft against damage, dress on bolts of fastening of covers of rods pieces of a rubber or plastic tube. |
35. Check correctness of an arrangement of locks of piston rings on the piston. |
36. Establish the piston with piston rings over the first cylinder, thus F label on the piston should be directed to a forward part of the block of cylinders. |
37. Turn a cranked shaft in such situation that the shatunny neck of a cranked shaft of the 1st cylinder was in the bottom dead point. |
38. The special adaptation compress piston rings on the piston. |
39. The handle of a hammer press the piston into the cylinder so that the bottom head of a rod was established on a neck of a cranked shaft.
40. Establish the shatunny loose leaf in a rod cover. |
41. Arrange pieces of a plastic measuring core of Plastigage on necks of shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft. |
42. According to marking establish covers of rods and fix them nuts. Inhaling moments: TED: 47–50 N • m BFD: 64–69 N • m
43. Turn out nuts and uncover a rod. |
44. By a measuring template measure width of the deformed plastic core of Plastigage and define gap size. Remove the deformed plastic core of Plastigage from necks of a cranked shaft and loose leaves of shatunny bearings. Nominal gap in a rod the bearing: TED: 0,20–0,05 mm BFD: 0,028–0,068 mm Maximum permissible gap: 0,10 mm
45. If the gap exceeds maximum permissible value, перешлифуйте necks of a cranked shaft and use repair loose leaves of the increased size. |
46. Apply a thin film engine oil on a shatunny neck of a cranked shaft and the shatunny loose leaf in a rod cover. |
47. Establish a cover of a rod and fix nuts. Inhaling moments: TED: 47–50 N • m BFD: 64–69 N • m
48. Shchup inserted between a rod and cranked shaft, measure a lateral gap of a rod. Nominal lateral gap of a rod: 0,110–0,262 mm Maximum permissible gap: 0,30 mm
49. If the lateral gap of a rod exceeds maximum permissible value, replace a rod and a rod cover. |
50. Apply a thin film pure engine oil on an external surface and a working edge of a back oil sealing ring of a cranked shaft. |
51. Manually establish a sealing ring in a back cover of the block of cylinders. |
52. Special the adaptation press a sealing ring into a back cover so that the end face of a ring was flush with a cover or acted from it no more than on 0,5 mm. |
53. Put a layer of silicone hermetic in thickness of 2 mm on an interfaced surface of a back cover. |
54. Establish a back cover and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: 7,8–10,8 N • m
55. Remove the hermetic which has been squeezed out at installation of a back cover on an interfaced surface of the oil pallet. |
56. Apply a thin film pure engine oil on a working edge of a forward oil sealing ring of a cranked shaft and a nest of the oil pump. |
57. Manually establish a forward sealing ring of a cranked shaft. |
58. Special the adaptation press a sealing ring into the case of the oil pump so that the end face of a ring acted on 0,5–1,0 mm from the case of the oil pump. |
59. Establish a new sealing ring of round section. |
60. Put a layer of silicone hermetic in diameter of 1-2 mm on an interfaced surface of the case of the oil pump, as is shown in drawing. |
61. Establish the oil pump and fix 6 bolts. Inhaling moments: 19–26 N • m
62. Remove the hermetic which has been squeezed out at installation of the oil pump on an interfaced surface of the oil pallet. |
63. Clear an interfaced surface of the water pump. |
64. Establish the water pump with new laying and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: 19–26 N • m
65. Screw the sensor of pressure of oil. Inhaling moments: 11,7–17,6 N • m
66. Grease with a thin layer of fresh engine oil a sealing ring of the new oil filter. |
67. Screw the oil filter before contact of a sealing ring of the oil filter with the block of cylinders, then tighten the filter on 11/6 turns. |
68. Establish a maslozabornik with the mesh filter and new laying and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: 7,8–11,8 N • m
69. Clear interfaced surfaces of the oil pallet and the block of cylinders. |
70. Put a continuous layer of silicone hermetic on an interfaced surface of the oil pallet |
71. Establish the oil pallet and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: 7,8–10,8 N • m
72. Clear a carving of bolts of fastening of a flywheel and an opening under bolts of the remains of old hermetic. If it is impossible to remove hermetic from a carving of bolts, replace them. |
73. Establish a transitional plate on the block of cylinders and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: TED: 18,6–30,4 N • m BFD: 7,8–11,0 N • m
74. Establish a flywheel or a drive plate on a cranked shaft. |
75. Put on a carving of reused bolts a thin layer of hermetic. |
76. The special tool block a flywheel from a provorachivaniye. |
77. In a certain sequence, in two or three stages tighten bolts of fastening of a flywheel. Inhaling moments: 97–103 N • m
78. Establish a disk of coupling and a casing of coupling with a press disk. |
79. Establish an opravka aligning a disk of coupling and, in some stages, in a certain sequence tighten bolts of fastening of a casing of coupling with a press disk. Inhaling moments: TED: 22–32 N • m BFD: 18–26 N • m
80. Remove the tool blocking a flywheel from a provorachivaniye and an opravka, aligning a coupling disk. |
81. Establish the valve and on a core of the valve establish a maslootrazhatelny cap. |
82. The special adaptation press a maslootrazhatelny cap into place. |
Maslootrazhatelnye caps of inlet and final valves are various. Maslootrazhatelnye caps of final valves have 4 teeth.
83. Remove the adaptation for a press fitting of a maslootrazhatelny cap. |
84. Establish the bottom nest of a spring on a head of the block of cylinders. |
85. At existence, establish protection of the hydraulic jack of a gap of valves. |
86. Establish a valve spring so that rounds with a small step (In) were directed to a head of the block of cylinders. |
87. Establish the top nest of a spring and the special adaptation, compress a spring. |
88. Establish crackers and remove the special adaptation for spring compression. |
89. With a plastic hammer several times strike on an end face of a core of the valve in order that crackers were established on the places. |
90. At existence, remove protection of the hydraulic jack of a gap of valves. |
91. Similarly establish the others of the valve. |
92. Establish laying and a head of the block of cylinders on the block of cylinders. |
93. Establish bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders. |
94. In a certain sequence tighten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders in the following order: TED: and. tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 49 N • m; b. in sequence, return to a tightening, weaken bolts; page tighten bolts the inhaling moment 39,2Н • m; d. tighten bolts on a corner 90 °; е. tighten bolts on a corner 90 °; BFD: tighten bolts the moment of an inhaling of 76-81 N • m. |
95. Establish hydraulic jacks of a gap of valves. |
96. Establish new laying of an inlet collector. |
97. Establish an inlet collector and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: 17,6–25,5 N • m
98. Establish an arm of an inlet collector and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: TED: (А) 15,7–22,5 N • m (В) 36,3–53,9 N • m BFD: 31,4–46,1 N • m
99. Establish the generator and fix it assembly bolts and an adjusting bolt. |
100. Establish a belt of a drive of the generator and adjust its tension. Deflection of a belt of a drive of the generator: New belt: 8–9 mm Belt which was in use: 9–10 mm
101. Tighten all bolts of fastening of the generator the demanded moments. Inhaling moments: Assembly bolts: 37–52 N • m Adjusting bolt: 19–26 N • m
102. Establish forward and back eyes for engine lifting. |
103. The load-lifting mechanism remove the engine from the stand. |
104. Establish a final collector and a bypass pipe of cooling liquid and fix them bolts.
Inhaling moments: (А) 38,2–46,1 N • m
105. Establish the engine a support No. 3 and an arm and fix them bolts. Inhaling moments: 73,5–102,9 N • m
106. Establish the engine a support No. 2 and fix bolts. Inhaling moments: 37,2–51,9 N • m
107. Establish a transmission and fix 8 bolts. Inhaling moments: 4 top bolts (1, 2, 3, 4) 89–116 N • m 4 bottom bolts (5, 6, 7, 8) 37–52 N • m
108. Establish a starter and fix bolts.
Inhaling moments: 37–52 N • m
109. Fill in in the engine engine oil. |