KIA of Sefia / Noise/range + 2. Engine + 3. Greasing system + 4. Cooling system + 5. Power supply system and release + 6. Fuel system + 7. Ignition system + 8. Coupling + 9. Mechanical transmission + 10. Automatic transmission + 11. Axes and power shafts + 12. Steering + 13. Wheels and tires + 14. Brake system - 15. Suspension bracket 15.1. Specifications 15.2. Check and adjustment of corners of installation of wheels 15.3. Bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket 15.4. Forward stabilizer of cross-section stability 15.5. Cross-section drafts and longitudinal lever of a back suspension bracket 15.6. Back stabilizer of cross-section stability 15.7. Cross-section beam of a back suspension bracket 15.8. Repair of an amortization rack of a forward suspension bracket 15.9. Repair of an amortization rack of a back suspension bracket + 16. Body + 17. Central air + 18. Electric equipment
Preliminary check
1. Check pressure in tires and, if necessary, finish to the demanded. |
2. Check люфт bearings of forward wheels and, if necessary, replace them. |
3. Check palpation of tires and wheels. |
4. Check absence люфта spherical hinges of a forward suspension bracket and steering transfer. |
5. The car should be on a flat horizontal surface without passengers and cargo in a luggage carrier. |
6. Shake a car body to check operation of shock-absorbers. |
7. Distinction in height, between the left and right side of the car from the wheel center to edge of a wing should not exceed 10 mm. |
8. Check that a fuel tank full, levels of cooling liquid and engine oil both a spare wheel and tools are in norm on the places. |
Check of the maximum angle of rotation of forward wheels
1. Establish both lobbies of a wheel in a template of radius of turn. |
2. Turn forward wheels to the left against the stop and measure an angle of rotation left (internal) and right (external) wheels. |
3. Weaken the left and right lock-nuts of tips of steering drafts, then, rotating drafts, establish demanded corners. Tighten lock-nuts. |
4. Repeat these operations after turn of forward wheels to the right against the stop. |
5. Tighten lock-nuts of tips of steering drafts.
Inhaling moment: 34–50 N • m |
6. Check and, if necessary, adjust a convergence, after check and adjustment of the maximum angle of rotation of forward wheels. |
Disorder and corner of a longitudinal inclination шкворня forward wheels
1. At the special stand check disorder and a corner of a longitudinal inclination шкворня. |
2. If value of corners differs from demanded, lift a forward part of the car and fix on support. |
3. Turn out four nuts of the top fastening of a rack of a forward suspension bracket. |
Additional situation
Situation change from a starting position
Disorder corner
Corner of a longitudinal inclination шкворня
0 °
32' 24"
11' 35"
32' 24"
11' 35"
0 °
4. Press down the top fastening of a rack of a forward suspension bracket for release of plugs and turn plugs in situation which corresponds to a difference of corners between measured and demanded to values. |
5. Tighten nuts of the top fastening of a rack of a forward suspension bracket the demanded moment.
Inhaling moment: 23–29 N • m |
6. Lower the car and check corners of disorder and a longitudinal inclination шкворня. If necessary, modify corners. |
Convergence of forward wheels
1. At the special stand check a convergence of forward wheels. |
2. If the convergence does not correspond to demanded value, weaken the left and right lock-nuts of tips of steering drafts, then, rotating drafts, establish demanded corners. Tighten lock-nuts. |
The left and right tips of steering drafts have the right carving. For reduction the convergence is necessary to rotate the right and left steering drafts, turning out them from tips of steering drafts and on the contrary.
One complete turn of both connecting drafts changes a positive convergence approximately to 6 mm.
Can be it is necessary to rotate one steering draft more than another to reach a demanded corner of a convergence, at preservation of installation of provision of a steering wheel.
3. Tighten lock-nuts of tips of steering drafts.
Inhaling moment: 34–50 N • m |
Adjustment of a convergence of back wheels
Disorder of back wheels is not regulated.
1. Check that a fuel tank full, levels of cooling liquid and engine oil both a spare wheel and tools are in norm on the places. The car should be on a flat horizontal surface. |
2. At the special stand check a convergence of back wheels. |
3. If the convergence does not correspond to demanded value, weaken lock-nuts on back cross-section draft. |
4. Turning a regulator on draft, adjust a convergence of the corresponding back wheel. |
One turn of a regulator changes a convergence to 3 mm.
5. Repeat adjustment for the second back wheel. |
6. Tighten lock-nuts the demanded moment.
Inhaling moment: 116–157 N • m |